

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a health service for assisting, preventing and diagnosing disease and disability through physical exercises. Physiotherapists are experienced in providing services to their patients in different areas such as assisting them to overcome movement disorders, disability, and other bodily malfunctions. Physiotherapy also helps the patients to recover from all conditions of pain acquired through accident or injury, reduces pain and stiffness and increase mobility.
Our Physiotherapists areable to understand their patient’s needs and plan with them the most appropriate treatment for maximum results. They assess patients and plan and deliver treatment and education programmes in partnership with patients and their families.

Our Common Treatments/Therapy?

Our physiotherapists will look at your individual situation. As well as treating the problem, they may also suggest things you can do on a daily basis to help relieve pain and discomfort. They may also give you advice about how to prevent the recurrence of injury. Your treatment plan will take into account your lifestyle, activities, and general health.


Physiotherapists support children to achieve their motor, functional and developmental milestones whilst treating their impairments which affect their movement.

We can assist in areas such as:

  • Spasticity and muscle shortening.
  • Proprioception and sensory deficit.
  • Gross motor development.
  • Functional task training.
  • Aid prescription and modification.
  • Gait retraining.
  • Posture and balance.
  • Orthotics.
  • Toe walking.



Physiotherapists support adults in returning to pre-injury work capacity and help them achieve their motor, functional goals.

We can assist in areas such as:


  • Musculoskeletal injury treatment and management.
  • Sports Physiotherapy.
  • Neurological rehabilitation.
  • Chronic disease management.
  • Exercise programs.
  • Gerontology.
  • Orthotics.


Neurological Physiotherapy:
  • Full body Weight support harness with functional electrical stimulation.
  • Upper and lower limb cycle with functional electrical stimulation.


Common Treatment Techniques:

  • Undertake different methods to improve mobility and strengthen muscles.
  • Joint manipulation and mobilisation to reduce pain and stiffness
  • Airway clearance techniques and breathing exercises.
  • Massages for soft tissue mobilisation.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Hydrotherapy.
  • Assistance with use of aids, splints, crutches, walking sticks and wheelchairs.